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About us


We exist to help people live a life of grace by encountering God’s grace, growing in God’s grace, and giving God’s grace to others.


True change begins when someone encounters Jesus. Our worship services are designed to help people encounter the presence of God so transformation may begin. From there we plug people into our Grow Groups where they can form relationships with other Christians, study God’s word, and apply what they have learned on Sunday. This is where people grow in God’s grace. Finally, we are called to give God’s grace to others. Our Give ministries provide opportunities for people to serve in the church as well as reach out to our community. By reaching out and forming relationships with lost people they can invite others to come and encounter God’s grace. And so the cycle begins again.


Gospel Driven

The Good News of Jesus Christ is what drives us in everything we do. If there is something that is not somehow motivated by our love for God it is not worth doing.


Reliant on Prayer

We firmly believe in the power of prayer and that it makes a difference. We do not believe in having a “prayer ministry” but that every ministry should be totally reliant on prayer.


Authentic Relationships

We are all about relationships. Our passion is to see every believer connected to a group of people that they can be real with and who will minister to each other.


Compassionate Living

 The New Testament is filled with “one another’s” that the church is called to live out. We strive to live lives of compassion towards each other as well as the to the broken, hurting, and people in need that we pass every day.


Exponential Growth

This is the definition of multiplication. As good stewards of the gifts God has given us we have to always think strategically about how to expand His kingdom.


GraceLife Church is an evangelical church in Pueblo, CO. We are a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). The EFCA exists to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. They are committed to Jesus Christ, to the gospel, and to one another. As an association of churches that aligns itself with the same Statement of Faith, the churches are distinct, yet connected.




Several years ago GraceLife church and Fountain of Life church merged to form what is the current GraceLife church at our building on Alma Ave.  A little time later our planting pastor transitioned out of state which led us to rethink how we do ministry.


In response, our church transitioned to an Elder Pastor model to support our church.  Instead of having one senior pastor, we enjoy have multiple Elder Pastors who provide for the spiritual welfare of the church.  In essence instead of having one full time pastor, we have several part time ministers to serve and lead.


We are very excited to see where this new direction takes us and we invite you to come and explore this with us.  Our passion and vision for our church is less to have everyone sit and receive and more for everyone to participate and give to the community as their time and gifts allow.  We would very much like to be more of a family and less of a business.

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